The British organization Article 19 reports that every 15.7 hours a journalist is assaulted in Mexico. Between January and June 2017, the organization has documented 276 attacks against the press. As a result, at least six journalists have been killed and one is disappeared. What inspired this harassment? Exercising free speech; investigating the problems of the system, and expressing disagreement.
In the United States, the story is different. Journalists and the right to express themselves are protected by the First Amendment. Unnatural Election. Artists Speak, which was hosted at Out North Art House’s new location from August 4 through September 1, celebrates this freedom that is fundamental to America. Curated by Mexican-American artist Andrea Arroyo, the exhibition gathers 250 pieces from 38 different countries. As its name implies, Unnatural Election. Artists Speak is an artistic response to last year’s presidential election. Regarding the US government’s reaction to the show, Arroyo explains that when the exhibit was shown in New York, Univisión contacted Juan Pablo Andrade, Advisor for Diversity at Donald Trump’s office. In reaction to the exhibit, Andrade said, “This artist is obviously a supporter of Hillary Clinton, and spends her time presenting POTUS as a racist, an enemy of women, a Nazi, and even an anti-constitutional president, which is absolutely disrespectful.” Arroyo says that his reaction “affirms the power of art” to express disagreement and make a difference. |