Anchorage’s programs to help the Hispanic population
BY carlos matías
According to Chelsea Ward-Waller, Public Information Officer for the Anchorage Department of Health, there are initiatives to help women and children of Hispanic origin in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic.
Chelsea Ward-Waller refers to the Anchorage Health Department’s (AHD) Child Care Licensing Program. “It has a Spanish-speaking licensing specialist,” she explains, “who helps with interpretation for our Spanish-speaking childcare providers.
The State of Alaska’s childcare assistance program provides assistance to income-eligible families of all backgrounds.” The Child Care Licensing program website provides information on how to open a licensed facility.
Opening a child care center A childcare center refers to a facility that provides care for nine or more children. When applying for a Provisional Child Care Center License, the applicant should refer to the Introduction to the Provisional Child Care Licensing Process and any additional information. Read and follow the instructions carefully to guide you toward successful submission of the application. All forms are listed in
Opening a family child care home A family childcare home refers to a facility located in a residence that provides care for no more than eight children. When applying for a Provisional Child Care Home License, the applicant should refer to the Introduction to the Provisional Child Care Licensing Process and any additional information. Read and follow the instructions carefully to guide you toward successful submission of the application. All forms are listed in
Exemptions for Child Care Facilities If you are operating or plan to operate a childcare program or any program for children and believe the program may not be subject to licensing, you must apply for a license exemption from the Child Care Licensing (CCL) Program by submitting an Application. for Exemption form.
Along with the Application for Exemption form, you must submit all documents requested on the form related to your program’s operations. The CCL program will review the application and make a determination based on applicable statutes and regulations.
Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) Program The Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) program provides free additional benefits, such as healthy foods, nutrition education, breastfeeding support, and referrals to health care and other services to qualifying families. Free COVID-19 screenings and immunizations are available to all Anchorage residents. For more information on vaccine clinics, you can visit For testing sites, visit Multilingual information is available at