climate action plan
As Alaskans, we know that the weather can be unpredictable. In the past few weeks in Anchorage, our 50 degree and sunny days were unexpectedly masked with a blizzard that left our streets, homes, and city covered in snow and our lives in disarray. These inconsistencies are bothersome, and indicative of future weather pattern changes that stem from a larger problem. Alaskans are witnessing the realities of climate change and now is the time to take bold steps forward to prepare for and mitigate the impacts.
Climate change is a global issue that will enlist people from all walks of life and across the world to confront. Here in Anchorage, our Municipality in partnership with community members and the University of Alaska, Anchorage, has taken bold steps forward to do our part and to solve this problem. The administration has proposed a Climate Action Plan that that will reduce our carbon footprint and address the impacts to the city from these shifting weather patterns. The plan addresses key components of our energy consumption such as building and infrastructure, transportation improvements, and increasing renewable energy and access to local foods. The other piece of the plan addresses and prepares for impacts that Anchorage is experiencing like increased wildfire season, increases in spruce bark beetles, and the impacts of changes in perception levels to our infrastructure. The Alaska Center and the hundreds of community members that put time into this plan believe it defines more than just how to reduce carbon emissions, but that it maps out a larger community vision for the future. We envision a future Anchorage where people of all socioeconomic backgrounds are benefiting from renewable energy like solar and energy efficiency. We believe this plan creates pathways for the renewable energy sector to grow, creates good jobs for our community, and will be a foundation for our city to become more sustainable and a better place to live. Climate action at all levels of government is critical to ensuring future generations have the resources they need to thrive. In May, the Anchorage Assembly will vote to join cities across the nation that have established and implemented climate action plans to mitigate emissions and prepare for changes. You can learn more about the plan and share your support with your assembly member at: |