CARAVAN PROTEST BY Cynthia Gachupin & Michael Patterson
On April 25, 2020 members of the Party for Socialism and Liberation (PSL) organized a car caravan calling for a nationwide cancelation of rents and mortgages due to the economic impact of the Coronavirus pandemic affecting millions of people around the nation.
While banks and corporations receive trillions of dollars in financial assistance from the federal government, working class and middle-class families are stressed about everyday expenses. It has become a struggle for many of these families to pay bills and buy food. For example, the Anchorage School District and local food pantries have increased their distribution sites and are the primary source of food for many students. Even before this pandemic many were already struggling to put food on the table, keep the lights on and pay rent. The Pandemic has only made things more difficult and uncertain. In these uncertain times our communities need stability and a guarantee of housing security. That is why PSL is calling for a national cancellation of rents and mortgages. This will give working people some form of relief.
The car caravan started at the Sullivan Arena and drove downtown to city hall. Once there, protesters circled city hall and expressed their dissatisfaction with housing insecurity in Anchorage. Protesters adhered to all health and social distancing guidelines by wearing masks and staying in their cars.
If we want to continue to flatten the curve and take on this pandemic, the State of Alaska must guarantee housing for all members of the community. PSL considers housing to be a human right and in this time of a public health crisis, housing is a necessary public health measure. If you would like to learn more about PSL or become involved, you can contact the organization at [email protected]. You can also visit their Facebook page (PSL Anchorage). Materials can be translated if requested. The PSL is currently working to establish a branch in Anchorage and the protest was organized by a few of its members. The PSL believes that working class people are the driving force in the economy, not the wealthy. (