Mayor signs Emergency Orders EO-15 and EO-13 v2Mayor Ethan Berkowitz signed Emergency Order EO-15 to preserve the health and safety of the Municipality of Anchorage from COVID-19 on July 31, 2020. Anchorage just experienced its worst week of the epidemic as measured by new cases, active cases, and cases per day.
New local cases are being found at more than double the rate of last week. The number of cases has exceeded the Anchorage Health Department’s capacity to rapidly trace and monitor every known case. More people are in the hospital with COVID-19 in Anchorage now than at any point in the epidemic, and modeling from the University of Alaska Anchorage shows a deteriorating situation in which Anchorage exceeds hospital ICU capacity by mid-September if we don’t act immediately to flatten the curve. EO-15 mandates a “four-week reset” through limitations for individuals, gathering sizes, bars and nightclubs, restaurants and breweries, and bingo halls and theaters. The four-week reset intends to curb the widespread community transmission and ongoing increase in COVID-19 cases in the community. EO-15 will take effect on Monday, August 3 at 8:00 a.m. and will remain in effect until Sunday, August 30 at 11:59 p.m. EO-15 enacts the following regulations:
Mayor Berkowitz also signed Emergency Order EO-13 v2, extending the requirement to wear cloth face coverings or masks in indoor public spaces. EO-13 v2 also requires individuals to wear masks or cloth face coverings at all outdoor gatherings when six feet of physical distancing from non-household members cannot be maintained. EO-13 v2 took effect on Friday, July 31, 2020 at 1:00 p.m. and remains in effect until modified or revoked. On Tuesday, July 28, 2020, the Anchorage Assembly extended Mayor Berkowitz’s Proclamation of Emergency until October 16, 2020. This action extends previous emergency orders that are in effect until modified, revoked, or until the end of the Proclamation of Emergency:
COVID-19 poses a grave risk to the health and safety of Anchorage residents. EO-15 and the continuation of other emergency orders acknowledges that our community remains in the midst of an active, evolving pandemic. Residents should continue to keep social bubbles small, wear cloth face coverings in indoor public places, stay 6 feet away from others, and wash hands often. |