National Men’s HeaLth Month BY Alaska Heart and Diabetes Coalition
June is National Men’s Heath Month. Enjoying the outdoors is a great way to be active and reduce stress! Now is the time for healthy summer activities like hiking, fishing, camping or just walking around the neighborhood or playing with your kids.
Fishing is one antidote to the usual stresses of modern living. Along with the benefits of being active (hiking, paddling, casting), fishing improves your concentration and focus, will increase your Vitamin D intake, and maybe even provide a healthy dinner! Did you know many Alaska Department of Fish and Game offices have fishing rods to lend? The type of fishing rods and the extent of gear in the Rod Loaner Program is dependent upon the local fishing opportunities and fishing conditions. To learn more visit:
Plan a camping trip this summer with family, friends, or solo. You deserve time away - enjoying the sounds of the crackling campfire and the wide-open sky. Prioritize your health and happiness by picking a date on the calendar today.
Most importantly, remember to take a daily break! Immerse yourself in nature by taking a walk, short or long. It’s a great way to shift gears. “Exposure to nature not only makes you feel better emotionally, it contributes to your physical wellbeing, reducing blood pressure, heart rate, muscle tension, and the production of stress hormones. It may even reduce mortality” (Berman, M. G., Jonides, J., & Kaplan, S., 2008). Have you had your break today?
Celebrate Men’s Health Month by learning how to be your healthiest. You can prevent chronic diseases like high blood pressure and diabetes by joining an online program at no cost to Alaskans.
AK Virtual Health Fair is a “one stop shop” with credible resources, articles, and links to events regarding your health: