Our Salmon. Our Future. Vote Yes.Alaska without salmon would be like Alaska with a hole in its heart. Current laws protecting wild salmon are outdated and leave our fish vulnerable to threats by irresponsible development. This year, Alaskans have the opportunity to update the law at the ballot box -- Ballot Measure 1 is a common-sense update that puts a fair, science-based permitting system in place. Ballot Measure 1 encourages responsible and balanced resource development that will put Alaskans back in charge of managing our resources.
Salmon fishing provides more than 30,000 jobs for Alaskans and $2 billion in economic activity. This is a vital economic resource that is now at risk from out-of-state mining companies. Alaska must do everything it can to protect our salmon industry and fishing jobs. Major industrial development projects like Pebble Mine have the potential to wipe out salmon runs, killing our salmon economy and Alaskan way of life. Ballot Measure 1 updates our laws to balance responsible development with fishing, and allows us to hold corporations accountable. Alaskans everywhere are seeing ads from the opposition -- these ads are designed to confuse voters. These out-of-state mining corporations oppose Ballot Measure 1 because they only care about their bottom line, not the best interest of Alaskans. It’s time for Alaskans to take a look at what lies ahead for our salmon -- Vote Yes on Ballot Measure 1 on November 6th at your local polling place. |