High blood pressure can harm your eyesight
Don’t let high blood pressure damage your vision! Many people know that high blood pressure (hypertension) is a risk factor for heart disease and stroke, but did you know that uncontrolled blood pressure can damage your eyes?
Your eyes contain many tiny blood vessels. Over time, high blood pressure can damage these tiny blood vessels and eye problems can develop, such as: - Blood vessel damage (retinopathy): A lack of blood flow to the retina (the light-sensitive layer of tissue at the back of the eyeball) leading to blurred vision or the complete loss of sight. People with diabetes and high blood pressure are even more likely to developing this condition. - Fluid buildup under the retina (choroidopathy): This buildup of fluid under the retina, the light-sensitive layer of tissue at the back of the eyeball, results in distorted vision or, in some cases, scarring that impairs vision. - Nerve damage (optic neuropathy): The result of blocked blood flow damages the optic nerve. This can kill nerve cells in the eyes, which may cause temporary or permanent vision loss. - High blood pressure can lead to stroke which can also cause vision loss. In addition to harming the eye, high blood pressure can also cause a stroke, which can damage the area of the brain responsible vision. Effectively managing you blood pressure and seeing your eye doctor for an annual checkup can keep your eyesight healthy. Learn more about Alaska Health Resources: Alaska Virtual Health Fair is a “one stop shop” with credible resources, articles, and links to events regarding your health https://www.akvirtualhealthfair.org/ The Anchorage Peer Leader Navigator program has health navigators specially trained in helping work with communities to equally access wellness services. Learn more at www.anchorageplns.org The Alaska Tobacco Quitline has resources and services available in a variety of languages. Stopping tobacco is one major step to better health. Email the Alaska Tobacco Prevention and Control Program ([email protected]) for copies or visit the ATQL website: www.alaskaquitline.com Source of information: https://www.heart.org/en/health-topics/high-blood-pressure/health-threats-from-high-blood-pressure/how-high-blood-pressure-can-lead-to-vision-loss |