GED Classes in Spanish
General Educational Development classes for Hispanics to earn an Alternative High School Diploma will be held in Anchorage from August 28 through May 10. The classes are free for those who take additional courses in the Alaska Literacy Program, such as English.General Educational Development (GED) testing classes began Aug. 28 in Anchorage. “The goal is for Hispanic immigrants who have not attended high school to be able to get the equivalent of an alternative high school diploma.” Sindy Mendez, assistant director of Professional Learning for the Anchorage School District, tells Sol de Medianoche. “It’s a program to help the Hispanic community graduate and get a high school equivalency diploma, and it’s a way to make it easier to get a good job and be better integrated into Alaskan society,” says Sindy.
Enlaces Alaska and Sol de Medianoche provide all the information about the GED preparation program in Spanish: The program is designed to provide students with GED test preparation materials and exam in their native language (Spanish) and a Spanish-speaking instructor. In addition, students will have the opportunity to take the tests free of charge in partnership with the Alaska Literacy Program (ALP). It is important to note that only students who are enrolled in additional courses through ALP are eligible to take the exams for free. Students who do not meet this requirement must pay the test fee, which is approximately $70 for each of the four tests they must pass. Each of these tests corresponds to each of the four content areas of the program, which are: mathematical reasoning (Math), reasoning through language arts (Language, Reading), Social Studies, and Science. Courses are offered in four quarters: Q1 from August 28 to October 20, which is already underway and corresponds to science. Q2, from October 30 to December 22. Q3, from January 16, 2024, to March 8, and Q4, from March 18 to May 10. Each quarter will focus on these specific content areas and will allow students to take the corresponding exam between quarters, with ten days between each quarter. “Other states, like Texas and California, have done this kind of training,” says Sindy. “But this is the first time it has been organized in Alaska, at least that I know of, and at least since Covid (2020). This time, eight Hispanics signed up for the GED, but four of them are regulars in the classes. “The other four have probably not been able to start classes because of family or work commitments. But the classes can be taken in person at the ALP building (1345 Rudakof Circle, Suite 104) or via Zoom,” said Sindy Mendez. For more information please send an email to: [email protected]. |