Andropause: physical and emotional impact on men. Reality or myth? by milagro delgado huerta
The symptoms that mark menopause in men are varied and affect multiple organs and systems. This process also manifests itself with psychological and physiological symptoms that occur with different intensity in each man.
Does life change for men when they turn 50? The answer is yes; men begin to experience physical and emotional changes. All this is nothing more than the natural cycle of life called “andropause or male menopause. “Specialists in the field explain that it is worth remembering that andropause is part of a natural, continuous, and inevitable aging process.
Menopause in men is a topic that is not talked about, both in society and within the family. In the case of women, menopause is a well-known development, while for men, andropause is a slow process and it is mostly lived in silence. Most times, thesechanges are not noticeable to their own partner, and if they are, because of the way they behave or their libido and performance have declined, sometimes infidelity is suspected.
Understanding andropause is vital Andropause occurs when the levels of testosterone (male sex hormone) decrease. That is, hormone levels in men begin to decrease at age 40, and between 50 and 55 men begin to suffer the symptoms of andropause, or as it is also called the “grumpy man syndrome.”
Some of the most common symptoms that men experience during this process are a decline in libido (sexual desire), erectile dysfunction, fertility problems, fatigue, and loss of energy, sweating or chills, loss of muscle mass, constipation, progressive decrease in bone density and increase in body fat. These are some of the symptoms outlined in the portal
On a psychological level, andropause causes alterations in sleep, anxiety, anguish, and depression (a desire to cry for no apparent reason), irritability, and nervousness. Therefore, a partner’s support is vital for accepting these changes with patience.
Recommendations for men during this stage It is recommended to adopt healthy habits to improve the quality of life such as avoiding stress, eating a varied diet low in fat and rich in fiber, and performing physical activities regularly to avoid a sedentary lifestyle. Exercise improves not only physical but also emotional fitness. Likewise, experts explain that it is necessary to reduce or eliminate the consumption of alcohol and tobacco.
Regularly seeing your doctor will help detect changes and can help alleviate or treat the progression of symptoms and detect related diseases early at that age. In 1992, the Men’s Health Network declared June as “Men’s Health Month.” A month dedicated to raising awareness about the conditions that affect the health and well-being of men of different ages and the importance of regular check-ups as prevention measures against any disease. Good health translates into a long life with quality.