Celebración multicultural en la Primaria Mountain View BY SeRAE CASTILLO
The multicultural celebration is one of the most moving activities of the Mountain View Elementary School. In this celebration we can appreciate the love of children for their country of origin. It is also astonishing to see how they argue because it touches them to carry the flag of their country. If they were born here, they recognize that their relatives come from another country. This does not mean that they do not love this great nation that has embraced them and their relatives, but rather that they have learned to love their origins.
In addition, it is worth highlighting, that they know the typical food of their country, and who in their families makes it better.
The atmosphere that is breathed in this activity is very healthy and full of joy. It binds us to maintain our historical legacy and our traditions. Knowing that time erases everything, this celebration injects their relatives with a responsibility to explain to their children their customs, cultures and history. In our midst there are many children who are multicultural, sometimes they have up to three and four cultures of which they descend. And this at times can confuse more in the early age.
It should be noted that one of the things that we have concentrated this celebration most is in the music and the gastronomy of each culture. And that’s one of the things that make this celebration feel like something quite special.
For example, Hispanics, although we speak the same language, are very different from country to country, but this has no impediment in our person-to-person relationships.
The love and understanding that we have in the different Hispanic communities has given us a special sparkle in this great country. And I fervently ask God for this to be maintained and increased over the years, and that in the future we are known as a single people of different national origins.
What is a Family School Services Coordinator?
Hello, my name is Maria Clyde, I work for the Anchorage School District as a Family School Services Coordinator (FSSC). Some time ago, 22 years to be exact, I came to Alaska from Puerto Rico. I didn’t speak English and only understood very little.
I had $40 in my pocket and no place to live. The reader may wonder why I’m writing this little note, it is because I want to encourage the Spanish native language speaker to pursue their dreams. To not give up on challenges that seem impossible. It wasn’t easy to transition to another country and language, but it wasn’t impossible.
In my current position with the Anchorage School District, I conduct outreach to families. I assist them with finding safe and affordable housing, paying utility bills and receiving health care, clothing, and school supplies. These are ways I can help reduce the stress of a family in need.
It is my goal to create and stabilize a healthy environment in which our families can learn and grow. The FSSC is located only in Title I schools and many of the positions have been eliminated due to budget cuts. If your child’s school does not have an FSSC, please see the school counselor, nurse, or front office for assistance with your family’s needs.