Employer Fraud AlertMay 14, 2020
The Alaska Department of Labor and Workforce Development takes fraudulent activities to collect unemployment insurance benefits seriously. The CARES Act expressly states that if an individual obtains benefits through fraud, the individual is ineligible for any additional benefit payments, must re-pay the benefits, and is subject to criminal prosecution. The Department will vigorously pursue all fraudulent activities to the fullest extent of the law. If an individual refuses an offer of work because unemployment insurance pays more than their weekly wage, is asking to be laid off, or requests to have their hours reduced so they can collect UI benefits, they may be committing fraud. Employers should immediately report these activities for investigation. Employers may send the following information to the unemployment insurance office by email at [email protected] or by fax to (907) 375-9520: - Business name, - Contact Information, - Individual’s first and last name, - Last four of the individual’s social security number if available, and - A brief description of the activity. A representative will contact the business for additional information. |