UAA seeks to erradicate issues against gender violence BY Hannah Guzzi Health Promotion Specialist (UAA Student Health and Counseling Center
Long summer days, hiking through the mountains, fishing, beautiful wildlife, and scenic views are only a few of the wonders Alaska has to offer. There are so many great things about this State, yet so much we have to work on, particularly in relationship to gender violence. According to a 2015 survey done by the UAA Justice Center, out of every 100 adult women who reside in the State of Alaska, 50 experienced intimate partner violence, sexual violence, or both within their lifetime. That means one out of every two women here in the State of Alaska will experience this type of violence. The experience of violence, in addition, intersects with other types of discrimination based on race, socioeconomic status, abilities, age, gender, sexual orientation, and much more.
In 2015, the UAA Dating Violence Sexual Assault Coalition for Change (DVSA) was created. This group consists of students, staff, faculty, and community partners all working together to fight and raise awareness of sexual assault and dating violence in our community and on our campus. The DVSA Coalition meets monthly to discuss coalition goals, plan out events for the semester, and coordinate efforts between departments and community organizations. Our goal is to connect people with resources, focus strategies on prevention and education, as well as raise awareness. DVSA promotes the idea that everyone can play a role in helping create a safer Anchorage community.
Although, we fight for a violence-free society through education and consciousness-raising, there are more immediate resources for those who have experienced intimate partner violence, domestic violence, or sexual assault. It is always hard to step up, but please know that many people are trying to help, and that YOU can help.
You can start by reaching out to a 24-hour crisis line: Standing Together Against Rape (STAR) 907-276-7273 or Abused Women’s Aid in Crisis (AWAIC) 907-272-0100. STAR provides options, support, and information to survivors of sexual violence. AWAIC provides domestic violence safe shelter and intervention. They can also provide you with information about other resources.
Furthermore, you can join in the efforts by joining our group, and helping educate others.