On 2017, the Assembly voted to change the voting system. Now you will not have to go to your local polling place to vote. Instead, the City will mail you a ballot that allows you to vote in the comfort of your own home.
Here is how it will work: in mid- March the Muni will mail a ballot to all registered voters. They will have until Election Day, April 3, to return their ballot. Voters can return their ballot through the postal system by affixing a first class stamp, or by depositing the completed ballot in one of 12 secure ballot drop boxes by 8 p.m. on Election Day. Alternatively, voters can go to one of three Accessible Vote Centers to submit their ballot or receive other voter’s services. These centers will be set up in Anchorage City Hall, The Loussac Library, and Eagle River Town Square Center; they will be open for seven days before the election. Once the Municipality receives the ballots, its employees will match the signature on the outside of each ballot envelope to signatures they have on file, to prevent voter fraud. Ballots will not be forwarded by the Post Office. If you have recently moved, please contact 243-VOTE to learn how to update your information. If you require assistance, visit an Accessible Voting Center. For more information: www.muni.org/votebymail |